Learning Rust by building a partial Game Boy emulator.
This project is maintained by jeremyBanks
Figured this out so that I can have an LD(dest, source)
wrapper function that works for different registers, for zerodmg_codes::Instructions
. We probably won’t use it in the zerodmg_emulator::CPU
at this point, but I’m planning to use it to generate a demo ROM, so I’d like a nice syntax.
See this in the Rust Playground or below:
fn main() {
use OneByteRegister::*;
use TwoByteRegister::*;
LD(A, 0b_0000_1111_u8);
LD(F, A);
LD(HL, 0b_0000_1111_0000_1111_u16);
enum OneByteRegister {
enum TwoByteRegister {
fn LD<A : Load<B>, B>(a: A, b: B) {
Load::LD(a, b)
trait Load<Source> {
fn LD(self, source: Source);
impl Load<u8> for OneByteRegister {
fn LD(self, value: u8) {
println!("LD_u8_immediate {:?} <- {:?}", self, value);
impl Load<u16> for TwoByteRegister {
fn LD(self, value: u16) {
println!("LD_u16_immediate {:?} <- {:?}", self, value);
impl Load<OneByteRegister> for OneByteRegister {
fn LD(self, source: OneByteRegister) {
println!("LD_u8_internal {:?} <- {:?}", self, source);
impl Load<TwoByteRegister> for TwoByteRegister {
fn LD(self, source: TwoByteRegister) {
println!("LD_u16_internal {:?} <- {:?}", self, source);
LD_u8_immediate A <- 15
LD_u8_internal F <- A
LD_u16_immediate HL <- 3855
LD_u16_internal DC <- HL